Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Space in which to breathe

Having just come back from a long weekend away in sunny Devon (pics to follow) it occurs to me that what we perhaps need more often than not is space in which to breathe.

Of course, if you are alive, then you must be breathing but my suspicion is that 99% of the time we are actually not breathing deeply enough and not getting the full extent of the world around us, we are merely existing.

In order to breathe deeply, to fill not just our lungs but also our minds and to enjoy the fullness of life around us we need to give ourselves space every once in a while.

The funny thing is, we don't actually have to go anywhere different to do that. Obviously it works best if you do, but how many of us can take a holiday or even a time-out ust when we feel like it? If you can, that's great, but for most of us, we may have to use different routes to achieve our goals.

One that works for me (after years of practice it now takes less effort) is to think about a favourite place, where dreams are made and peace and tranquility become the order of the day (mine is a beach in Cornwall for instance) - once you have a strongpicture in your mind of this place, you can strengthen it's influence by watching yourself going there and seeing yourself in situ, enjoying the scene and you can tap into those feelings - this will allow you to divorce yourself from your present reality and for a period of time - you can create space to breathe.

I wonder where your favourite place is?

Monday, 3 September 2007

Does it pay to think?

In short - no.
But can you turn thoughts into income or revenue? Well the answer to that would be yes - it happens all over the world every minute of every day. So ok, what's the secret to turning a thought into money in the bank?
First of all, it might pay you to give a lot of consideration to what you're thinking about. If 'living thoughts' and my own oft used process of dreamboards are indeed any part of reality then we do indeed need to be careful what we're thinking about.
Secondly, if the first thought follows through, then it's also safe to assume that just thinking about something may not necessarily bring about fame and fortune - the magic ingredient is ACTION.

Ok so how do we get from thinking the right thoughts to taking the right action?

Well that, dear reader is the crux of the matter, because it is very often the case that as human beings we choose to be exceptionally busy - either on the wrong actions or doing those things that come easier to us - "I'll get around to it later" is a phrase we may all be familiar with.

What I'm suggesting isn't new - in fact I am merely adding my own opinion on this point to those of such luminaries as Anthony Robbins, Dale Carnegie, Susan Jeffers, Robert Kiyosaki and David Schwarz - the suggestion being that the Actions we need to take, we may never accomplish if all we look at is the how, the why or the wherefore - these are barriers to action.

Far better to split the action up into little steps that we can easily take, that we can accomplish, that we can reward ourselves for achieving, on our way to the overall goal.

So, does it pay to think? No, but it does pay to plan and to do and that is why I'm writing these blogs and articles - they are positive action towards my goals.

What are you thinking about and who will pay you to just do that?

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

The search for enlightenment


Last night I watched 'The Secret' on DVD with my other half. We both know most of the stuff on it anyway but I still marvelled at how easy it has been to fall into the trap of being 'normal'.

Whatever normality is, it's different for all of us - there is no 'norm' about it. I've been saying for a long time to anyone that will listen that I agree with the thought that we create our own reality, or in other words, life is however you make it - but seeing it again, watching the glorious simpliciy of the law of attraction I am forced to concede I still have much to learn and many thoughts still to have.

I've now been tasked with opening my mind, allowing the river of possibility to flow passed my consciousness and to really planning what I want to do with the rest of my life.

See - even though these are the sort of thoughts I challenge people with through coaching, I still need to take stock and take action myself sometimes.

Think I need to do more reading and drawing, good food for the soul.

And I still think Ross will get his new bike - just like that kid on the DVD.

Friday, 17 August 2007

The start of tomorrow

is a thought from today. Or in actual fact, for me it's a couple of thoughts from last nights coaching session with Bob Foster.

What's this? I need a coach myself? So how good am I as a coach for you?

Well it's like this. Most good coaches either have a coach themselves or they associate with coaches and share ideas or they have a mastermind group to help them achieve their goals.

It's the sort of thing that coaching often prescribes for others so why not for coaches themselves right?

Bob asked me some interesting questions to start this particular ball rolling and I suspect the answers may be difficult to face but if I can do so, I'll be a better person and probably more succesful for doing so.

I wonder how often other people challenge themselves in this way?

What do you think?

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Paris Hilton - Reality of fiction?

Ok, so obviously Paris herself is a reality, but what I wanted to talk about was the difference between her version of realiy and yours, or rather is there such a thing as reality?

To quote Wikipedia

Reality, in everyday usage, means "the state of things as they actually exist."

So the fact that we seem to have different levels of reality may have something to do with how we view things, or how we relate to the existence of things?

In Paris Hiltons' world reality may include riches and parties and celebrity friends and these may not be in your own on a daily basis but I suspect that her recent incarceration added a slightly different view of reality to her mind - one that you may already have encountered.

Why bring this up at all? Well, it's my belief that there is actually no such thing as reality, it is simply a word that has been coined to express a view on all that we know of our world and how we see it. Therefore, we all have our own reality and this might explain why some people in society, who's view is radically different from the mainstream view are seen as undesirable or even evil.

Paedophiles, Rapists, Murderers - all have a reality as well, just not the same maybe as yours.

I'm not about to condone these things for I also see them as unfortunate aspects of humanity, but if I'm right - perhaps their reality is just as 'right' for them as yours is to you?

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

The power of positive thinking

Is that it affects all the actions you then take. You can approach even the dullest task with more fervour and energy when you are in a great mood.

The interesting bit is the last word - mood. I'll go back here to my favourite thought, that emotions come first. Dan Goleman in his books on Emotional Intelligence suggests that how we feel affects how we think and therefore it is emotions that drive our actions.

I've had a great weekend and it's largely down to the idea above. On Sauturday I allowed my daughter to drive our actions with her emotions - we just had fun and I tried to make sure that I allowed as much freedom as possible with a day out at Horseworld.

On Sunday I spent the day working hard for the Wellbeing Network at the Bristol Balloon Fiesta, raising awareness for both the Network and it's support of the Penny Brohn Cancer care charity here in Bristol.

All of this stuff made me feel good and that set me up well for the week.

Wonder how the rest of it will go?

Friday, 10 August 2007

Linkin Park

To quote one of my favourite songs of the moment (In the End by Linkin Park)

"I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end
it doesn't really matter,
I had to fall to lose it all, but in the end
it doesn't really matter"

This was a hard start to a fairly average day.

I never realised that peeling the vinyls off my car would cause me so much distress.

I now realise that the problem is the emotions I had woven into the graphics, how much
of myself I had put into the design and the thought behind it.

Today it will all go and I will be back to having a nice white car again.

She will still be a lovely, clean, white, Nissan Skyline R33 GTS-T and for a little while
longer at least she'll be my car but after today she wont seem like MY CAR anymore.

The problem is further compounded by the fact that I had "Live the dreams you have" printed all over her - I have been living mine.

Need to find some new, even better dreams - I am a dreambuilder afterall.


Wednesday, 8 August 2007

The trouble with friends is..

.. that you can't help feeling the very real pull of friendship even when things are not so rosy.
One of my own great friendships is in a rocky place at the moment and despite my own forgiveness and the love I genuinely feel for that person, I honestly couldn't tell anyone if the friendship will survive or even if it still really exists.
This particular sharing of thought, word and deed has existed for over 30 years and it is therefore no surprise that potentially losing it is really a painful experience - however, as is normally my wont, I am loking for lessons and things to share here.
The lesson for me is that all relationships take time, committment and dedication in equal measure from all parties, otherwise they can indeed falter. In this case for example I am, i feel at least as guilty as most of being human and expending far more energy on my main relationship than all the others combined and therefore I have risked this scenario.
This often happens in new relationships, where families and children are present and where the day to day grind of getting by seems to take all the time in the world.
We all have lots to do, and many drains on our time and energy, but a world with no friends is a lonely and frightening place to be - perhaps something to remember.

Note to self....

Monday, 6 August 2007

End of an era

So that's it then, my pride and joy is actually going to a new home. This is indeed the end of a rather short but very enjoyable era but one I will remember with much happiness and one I'd like to re-acquaint myself with one day.
Whilst still "only a car" I am now given reason to consider the impact these things have on our lives and indeed how we shape who we are with our material possessions. I know for instance, that the instant kudos and leverage this vehicle 'bought' for our teenage son you probably couldn't purchase in any other way.
I'll be replacing her with another logo'd up Gee-mobile and it'll still be a bit mad but very shortly it'll be good-bye to the fire breathing white beast and on with the show.
I will be sad to see her go - and no mistake.

Friday, 3 August 2007

The way we think - the way we do

Interestingly, life keeps agreeing with a philosophy I was introduced to about 9 years ago.

The idea that we are actually driven by emotions and that thoughts are therefore a secondary issue is one that I have championed loudly ever since I heard it - it makes sense to me that this is probably the case.

I feel hungry - so I think about eating
I feel angry - so I shout
I feel afraid - I look for shelter and comfort

You'll already see from my other posts here that I find feelings to be a useful marker for what's going on around me and often a sign as to why I am doing something.

At the moment I am thinking about money, about the future, about my business and in my job today, I have spent the morning researching the future of Organic trade in the UK

All driven by feelings.

I wonder what's driving you to take action while I'm typing this?

Thursday, 2 August 2007

What a difference a day makes

Yesterday I'll admit, even I, with all my positive vibes, was generally miserable. It was one of those days when nothing went quite as planned and in fact so many wheels fell off the wagon that I really felt derailed.
Yesterday evening however I managed to counter the negativity a bit with my friends and colleagues at the Wellbeing Alliance - always a very positive experience.
This morning started off with much trial, tribulation and bother but the day has got better as it's gone on and now the sun is out again and I'm looking forward to a (hopefully profitable) meeting which I have booked in later.
Wonder what elzse will turn up in the next few days - I know there's a teddy bears picnic in the offing shortly!

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Feel great - invigorate!

See now, that's what I've been bumbling on about.

Today I had a wonderful drive in the country, enjoying the blue skies and the stereo.
I had two really good interviews with candidates that should be successful if I can just get the client to meet them.
I had a nice light lunch
I've had a productive and thought provoking afternoon with some great discussion
I may have solutions to a couple of my existing challenges

Is this all because the sun is out?

I think not.

Certainly the weather helps to lighten ones mood but what's really at play here is the emotions and the affect they have on our activity and our desire.

I say again, in order to achieve we must first of all think right and behave right - I wholeheartedly agree with Tony Robbins who amongst others champions the idea that our action feeds our emotion and our emotion colours our resulting decisions.

How was your day?

Monday, 30 July 2007

Blimey the suns out!

And on top of that, a few more positive things have occurred, in fact I might even go so far as saying today has so far been reasonably useful.

Not quite the same as 'This has been a GREAT day!' I suppose but useful nevertheless.

It occurs to me that even in my somewhat enlightened state of mind, I am still not quite able to pull off that buddhist trick of total peace, calm and tranquility and great joy just because i'm alive - every day.

I'm not suggesting we should all take up buddhism you understand, just that their ideal is somewhat difficult for most of the rest of the humans on the planet to master.

I wonder if we can leverage moments of peace and tranquility at will the rest of the time?

I can - can you?

Porthcurno Beach

Thursday, 26 July 2007

Raining again

Yes really, it is raining again - it really does seem unrelenting at the moment.

I saw on the news this morning that across the rest of Europe there are many places with the reverse problem, too much heat - forest fires all over the place.

Made me think once again that it all depends on ones perception of the current environment as to how your mood goes and how your emotions come into play.

What am I on about? Well here at the moment a lot of us are thinking wouldn't it be nice to jet off to the sun of Spain and bask there in the suns golden rays, blue skies, light breeze, cool drink etc. and yet in Spain and Greece, they are well and truly fed up of the stupid sunshine and are praying for rain - they would be exstatic if they suddenly had our downpour.

Yet another point that can be used to work on life's dull moments - we can choose to be miserable or choose to find fortune in any situaton.

Could always be worse....

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Actively being active

Is what it feels like at the moment. It's almost as though the motions are indeed going through but I dont see the end result arriving anytime soon.

Hence the blog, the articles, the marketplace ads. At least if I'm actively doing more of the stuff I should be doing, I might actually see some benefit at some point?

The Utilities Warehouse stuff should take off soon with my team easily outperforming me at the moment. No matter, when I do catch them up at least the majority of the work will have already been done.

Must talk to the upline and get some more ideas.

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Emotionally intelligent teens

Are something I have yet to find - I think it's a development thing, they simply haven't developed enough to think about much past their own immediate needs.
Of more challenge to me is the fact that I do have emotional intelligence and I ought to be able to employ it when dealing with teenagers as discussed here

I just seem incapable of doing it though.

How do the rest of you get on with snotty teens who think they know everything when it's apparent to the rest of the world they know very little?

Is time flying for you?

Sometimes life just seems to trundle by and no matter what you do, nothing seems to make it go any faster.

Sometimes of course you'd rather the pace was slower, or even better still, stop the world please I want to get off.

So what's your world like today?

If you're in the midlands or the Severn/Avon Valley I suspect life has become very slow indeed but then, you wont be reading this as there's no power.

We were flooded ourselves last friday and our temporary office accommodation, whilst welcome, just doesn't feel the same.

Too quiet, too big, too 'not ours'.


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