Having just come back from a long weekend away in sunny Devon (pics to follow) it occurs to me that what we perhaps need more often than not is space in which to breathe.
Of course, if you are alive, then you must be breathing but my suspicion is that 99% of the time we are actually not breathing deeply enough and not getting the full extent of the world around us, we are merely existing.
In order to breathe deeply, to fill not just our lungs but also our minds and to enjoy the fullness of life around us we need to give ourselves space every once in a while.
The funny thing is, we don't actually have to go anywhere different to do that. Obviously it works best if you do, but how many of us can take a holiday or even a time-out ust when we feel like it? If you can, that's great, but for most of us, we may have to use different routes to achieve our goals.
One that works for me (after years of practice it now takes less effort) is to think about a favourite place, where dreams are made and peace and tranquility become the order of the day (mine is a beach in Cornwall for instance) - once you have a strongpicture in your mind of this place, you can strengthen it's influence by watching yourself going there and seeing yourself in situ, enjoying the scene and you can tap into those feelings - this will allow you to divorce yourself from your present reality and for a period of time - you can create space to breathe.
I wonder where your favourite place is?
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Space in which to breathe
Posted by Geematrix at 01:22 0 comments
Labels: breathing space, calm, meditation, special place
Monday, 3 September 2007
Does it pay to think?
In short - no.
But can you turn thoughts into income or revenue? Well the answer to that would be yes - it happens all over the world every minute of every day. So ok, what's the secret to turning a thought into money in the bank?
First of all, it might pay you to give a lot of consideration to what you're thinking about. If 'living thoughts' and my own oft used process of dreamboards are indeed any part of reality then we do indeed need to be careful what we're thinking about.
Secondly, if the first thought follows through, then it's also safe to assume that just thinking about something may not necessarily bring about fame and fortune - the magic ingredient is ACTION.
Ok so how do we get from thinking the right thoughts to taking the right action?
Well that, dear reader is the crux of the matter, because it is very often the case that as human beings we choose to be exceptionally busy - either on the wrong actions or doing those things that come easier to us - "I'll get around to it later" is a phrase we may all be familiar with.
What I'm suggesting isn't new - in fact I am merely adding my own opinion on this point to those of such luminaries as Anthony Robbins, Dale Carnegie, Susan Jeffers, Robert Kiyosaki and David Schwarz - the suggestion being that the Actions we need to take, we may never accomplish if all we look at is the how, the why or the wherefore - these are barriers to action.
Far better to split the action up into little steps that we can easily take, that we can accomplish, that we can reward ourselves for achieving, on our way to the overall goal.
So, does it pay to think? No, but it does pay to plan and to do and that is why I'm writing these blogs and articles - they are positive action towards my goals.
What are you thinking about and who will pay you to just do that?